Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Educating For Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: Multicultural Christian Religious Education for Youth in Indonesia" by Rev. Linna Gunawan


This thesis explores dimensions of multicultural Christian Religious Education which would educate youth toward critical consciousness and social action, for the purpose of mitigating ethnic tensions in the context of Indonesia. Given the long history of ethnic tension between ethnic Chinese and Indonesia pribumi communities due to complex, intertwining social, political, and economic factors, Indonesian youth of today are still affected by the cultural traumas and social attitudes of prejudice, hatred, and discrimination passed on from generations before them. Education, as apparent in both the curriculum of national education and education provided by the church, does not seem to address adequately the challenges of pluralism in Indonesia. This thesis explores theo-logical, theoretical, and pedagogical foundations for a multicultural Christian religious education curriculum that prepares Indonesia youth to live as agents of peace in a plural-istic society.

James Banks’ multicultural educational approach and John Lederach’s peace-building theory form the basic theoretical frameworks for a proposed multicultural Chris-tian religious educational curriculum for Indonesian youth. Addressing the challenges of identity formation (personal identity, cultural-ethnic identity, and communal identity), the peace-building process by which to alleviate traumas and to transform the community comprises the content of the curriculum. Proposals of a number of pedagogical methods and activities for youth are given in several sections of the curriculum.

Rev. Gunawan is a Presbyterian minister at Indonesian Christian church (Gereja Kristen Indonesia) in Jakarta. She is completing her Doctorate of Ministry at Pacific School of Religion and will be sharing her thesis that addresses multicultural Christian religious education. She will be presentating her paper at the PANA Institute on May 1, 12:30pm.

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